Join the practice

Welcome Leaflet

Please type your postcode into the search bar below to find out whether you're within our boundary area.

New Patients

We are pleased to accept anyone wishing to register as a NHS patient providing they live within our practice boundary area.

The receptionists at our surgeries will be pleased to help with the necessary paperwork, or you can download the registration forms in the "How To Register" section below.

join the practice


Live within boundary area?

We will be pleased to register you as a patient if you live within our practice boundary area. We regret that we are unable to accept patients who do not live within this defined area.

The area includes most of the City of Salisbury but not villages or other areas to the south of the rivers or the area west of Queen Alexandra Rd. To the North and East we accept patients from Stratford-sub-Castle, Old Sarum, Ford, The Winterbournes, Porton, The Winterslows, Lopcombe Corner, Pitton and Farley, The Grimsteads, Whaddon, Alderbury and Laverstock.

Only in exceptional circumstances, such as when a person moves into the household of a family who are already registered with this practice, will we consider accepting new patients who live outside our defined Practice boundary area, and this is solely at the discretion of the partnership.


How To Register

If you live within our practice boundary area, you can now register to join our practice online. Click on the button below to complete and submit your registration online:

Register Here

We aim to process all incoming registrations with 48 hours of new patients completing the relevant forms. Should we require additional information or need to check any information you have submitted, we may contact you via your preferred communication method. Please be aware that if we are missing information, this will delay your registration being processed. We use a platform called Health-Tech1 for all new patient registrations, for more information about how your data is processed please see their privacy policy below.

HealthTech-1 Privacy Policy

If you are unable to complete the registration online, use the interactive map above to check that you live within our practice boundary area. If you do live within our catchment area please download, read and complete the forms below, or you can come into the Practice and collect a 'Registration Pack'. These forms need to be completed by patients, and there also is some information that the Practice needs to give to you.

1.  The first registration form that is required to be completed is called a GMS1:

GMS 1 Registration Form

2. The following are forms that the Practice asks you to complete. The 'New Patient Questionnaire' gives us a baseline assessment of your health and health needs, until your notes arrive from your previous practice, and the 'Additional Information' questions ensure that we have a broad view of all your home circumstances.  There are New Patient Questionnaires for the following groups:

Adult Registration form  

Children aged 11 - 16 Registration form 

Children Under 11 Registration form 

New Born Child Registration

Nursing Home Registration forms 

Please print as many copies of each as you need.

3.  You will also need the following information -

Please print:

4. Once you have completed the forms, please bring them in to reception at any of our surgeries.


Named Accountable GP

You will be registered with a named accountable GP however you may see any GP you choose.  The named accountable GP will take lead responsibility for the coordination of all services required under the contract and ensure they are delivered to each of their patients where required (based on the clinical judgment of the named accountable GP).


Temporary Residents

We are pleased to accept as a temporary NHS patient anyone who is currently temporarily resident in our Practice Area for a maximum period of three months.


Overseas Visitors 

We accept overseas visitors as temporary patients providing they qualify for free NHS treatment under EU regulations. If they do not qualify for free NHS treatment, we will see them on a private payment basis. Our standard charge is £30 for the initial consultation (this does not include the cost of any drugs that may be prescribed or any tests that may need ordering).


Non English Speakers

These fact sheets have been written to explain the role of UK health services, the National Health Service (NHS), to newly-arrived individuals seeking asylum. They cover issues such as the role of GPs, their function as gatekeepers to the health services, how to register and how to access emergency services.

Special care has been taken to ensure that information is given in clear language, and the content and style has been tested with user groups.

Open the leaflets in one of the following languages:

england English Urdu Urdu
albania Albanian india Hindi
egypt Arabic lithuania Lithuanian
bulgaria Bulgarian poland Polish
china Chinese (Cantonese) portugal Portuguese
china Chinese (Mandarin) spain Spanish
russia Russian French French
Turkish Turkish Punjabi Punjabi
Gujerati Gujerati Somali Somali
Croatian Croatian Bengali Bengali
Iran Farsi